Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Spell of the Day: New Moon Blessing for Wealth and Mental Health

I’ve spent the past few weeks battling a bout of depression at the same time I’ve also been attempting to deal with some financial issues. Since tonight is the New Moon, I decided to take these two things into account when I sat down to do my New Moon blessing ritual this month.

My New Moon blessings are usually something simple. I’ll light a candle and incense on my altar, write my wish/intention for the coming month on a Bay Leaf, and burn it in the flame of the candle. I wanted to do something a bit more in-depth this time around (and not just because I find myself currently out of Bay Leaves.)

I usually work spells at the permanent altar set up in my living room. However, (and I’m not sure why) that didn’t feel right today. Instead, I grabbed a few things off my altar and set up a temporary one on my coffee table to work this spell. I place a lot of value on instinct when working magic. Sometimes I set out to do things a certain way and once I start, it just doesn’t feel right or something else feels better. It’s difficult to explain, but for lack of a better phrase: Go with your gut.

Instead of my usual Bay Leaf, I decided to do an herb and oil anointed candle.

A quick note about blood in magic:
I use blood from time to time. I know there are those who say you should NEVER use blood in magic because it is a powerful ingredient. Blood is literally the stuff of life. You shouldn’t use it lightly or in everything you do. I only use my own blood. My own set of rules/morals will not allow me to use blood from anyone or anything else. If you do work magic with the blood of someone else, I STRONGLY urge you to consider the motivations behind its use and the manner in which you acquire it. Blood forms a strong bond between the magic being worked and the one the blood came from. This is why I use my own from time to time.
If you do use blood, make sure you obtain it in a safe way. You don’t need a lot. Just a drop or two is enough. I’ve talked to a few witches who use menstrual cups to collect their own blood during their monthly cycle. Personally, that’s not a route that has ever appealed to me and the timing is hardly ever right. Instead, I use the same type of lancet typically used to prick fingers for use in diabetic blood testing. If it’s an option for you, I recommend it. Its safer than other options, it hurts a lot less than other options, and the bleeding stops pretty much immediately.

Anyway, onto the spell work:

  • Candle: Black with a few personal symbols for wealth, health, and peace carved into it.
  • Oil: Rubbed on the outside of candle
    • Patchouli for Wealth/Prosperity
  • A few drops of blood: Rubbed on outside of candle with oil
  • Herbs: Crushed in mortar and poured onto a plate so candle can be rolled in to coat outside.
    • Lavender for healing, peace, and cleansing
    • Rosemary for healing, peace, cleansing, and strength
    • Sage for healing and cleansing
    • Mint for money and blessing
  • I placed the candle in a shallow bowl of salt and used a small candle to light it.
  • Incense: burned in my small cauldron on a quick-light coal.
    • Frankincense for protection and blessing
    • Myrrh for protection, purification, and warding negative energies
  • I said a quick, personal blessing and meditated on my goals for the spell. I focused on building as much energy and intent as I could and then released it into the universe to work its magic. 
  • While the incense was still smoking, I used it to cleanse and bless a few new tools as well. 

All in all, I feel more positive now then I did before I worked the spell. If that’s the only affect, it will be enough.

Until we meet again:
Peace, Love, and Incense,
Raven Rivers

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